Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Welcome to My Blog

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my blog!
 I created this blog four years before for a teacher-training course, but have not been able to use it for teaching or learning purposes. I am happy that I'll be able to do it now.

Teaching English Language to students of government colleges in Rajasthan where most of the students come from nearby villages or smaller towns is a very challenging task. I hope this course will help me find new ways and techniques for making my lessons easier and more learner oriented.

Good luck to everyone!


  1. Hi, Vinita.

    It caught my eye that you said that you created this site four years ago, but have not been able to use it for teaching or learning. I was thinking along the same lines in my experience. I have blogged before for personal reasons, but don't really know an effective way to incorporate blogging into the classroom or for professional reasons. Hopefully, we will get some good ideas about how to do that from this course.

    Nice to meet you.


    1. Yes Evelyn, I do hope to get some innovative insight into the use of blogging for academic purposes. It's a good platform to express our ideas and get others' response to them.

      Looking forward to having more of such interactions with you during and even after the course.


  2. Hi Vinita,
    Glad to know about you from your blog and as one study-group mate.
    We will be in touch.We are using internet for e-mails and chats, but little for educational purposes.Now it is time to rethink about our position and role as the maker of the future generation that survives only by means of technology.Am I right?Be in touch.Bye.
    Best wishes.

  3. Hi Vinita
    Came to know about your blog from the blogroll.
    I am Aashish Pande and am teaching at the English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU formerly CIEFL) at the Lucknow Campus.

    Indeed you are doing a great job teaching the students in Rajasthan from the rural background. We also get a lot of students for our BA (Hons.) course in English with a lot of challenges especially at the phonetic level.

    The role of the teachers thus becomes very challenging and time taking to remove the MTI and to teach them to use English correctly.

    Can you share with me some of the exercises and activities that have helped you cope with such difficulties?

    By the way the second week was overwhelming for me. In fact looking at so many search engines in one week is a very tough task. But it was very informative for most of us here in India who rely on our dear old google and wikipedia.

    If you find time do visit my blog as well

    Regards and all the best for the course.
    Aashish Pande
